Recently I stumbled upon a gigantic multi million dollar mansion tucked away in the woods. For some history behind it, the house was built in 1991. It has around 10+ bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, 2 of the bedrooms being in a guest house over the garage connected by a small hallway. It also features an indoor lap pool in the basement connected to an outdoor pool and pool house with 2 changing rooms and showers. The home was owned by an olympic swimmer and her family and was sold in 2017 to buy a bigger home down the road. It was sold for around 5 million dollars and is supposedly being torn down in the future for an elderly care center of some sort, although no work appears to have been done.

Now onto the exploration: When we arrived I wasn't sure if we would be able to get in or how high risk the place was. We were able to drive and park behind the house and explore with no troubles other than my camera battery dying and needing to stop to be charged halfway through. The house was mostly empty but had some items and furniture left inside. There was no tagging and very little decay in the form of cracked floors and some mold around skylights. Everything you did in the house echoed through all 3 of the upper floors.
The first time we went I was not happy with the footage and we made a return in the snow the following day. We were not disturbed either time. It was actually really peaceful and erie. It almost felt off. Like we were touring a new house to buy but the realtor was missing