We arrived at the resort just before lunch. This resort sets on the other side of berkely springs and is dead on the mountainside. Many cabins of the Coolfont community scatter the mountainside and everything is quiet aside from the occasional car passing by. The resort itself opened in 1965 and later closed in 2006 with plans to demolish it and rebuild to reopen the resort due to structural problems. There is little information on the resort and our pictures are the first ones to be taken of the resort in the last 4 years. One other video by Dan Bell exists on this place. It would seem we will be the first to actually film and show a full tour of this place.
On the day we went we only had time to film the main resort building. We got all but one floor filmed, this being due to the fact the staircase to the top floor, I assume holds some lodging rooms or offices, being removed and the gap between it was too large to climb to. There is another several lodging cabins and homes, as well as a pool building and tennis courts we plan to have up in a part 2 video.

Overall what is left of the inside of the building is very minimal. Only around 2 rooms remain untouched and in tact as they were in the building's abandoned state. One is what appears to be an upper private office or dwelling that is filled with office supplies, documents, and a ton of Christmas decorations, this room also has a connected bathroom that was partially blocked off by junk and boxes. The other in tact room is a "basement" office space that between our first and second visit was partially demolished with 2 of the offices remaining in tact. The rest of the building is in the process of being gutted. A man who appeared out front in a truck informed us that they plan to reopen the resort by the end of this summer. Another apartment style condo building across the street had already been fully restored as well as a ton of camping sites. Despite work going on there among the building still being sort of abandoned there were numerous wide open doors and broken windows all over the place. Overall I would not recommend someone else going here to explore as it is being watched by locals who drive by and has active buildings on the site.