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Our Overnight Trip to Forest Haven

Writer: Jaden PetrucciJaden Petrucci

This one is an interesting one for sure. We had been planning for this trip for weeks. Luck have it our overnight plans did not work out. Scrambling to find another motel for under $50 we had no luck. Then the idea popped into Steph's head. Flying J has showers and outlets to charge our camera batteries and we could just sleep in the car. While we didn't prefer it that seemed to be our only option with only $60 for the entire night and next day. It was set. We packed up the car and proceeded to Virginia to our first Flying J of the night. We had always said sacrifice has to be made to get to success and this was a testing example. The last place we expected to make friends was a truck stop. We were wrong. We stayed up all night talking to employees and this guy that was equipped with only his bike, $200, water and food, and the clothes on his back was on a journey himself to nowhere. He had been kicked out of his home and saw opportunity to take a life experience. We ate and headed off to our second, less lively flying J's where we showered and at 2:00, headed out. I never thought I would enjoy a truck stop shower but holy crap was it nice to feel clean. We arrived around 4:30 AM or so at a sketchy McDonalds next to a drug infested motel 6, but instead opted to park at Walmart 4 miles from the path into Forest Haven. Wonderful. it was all excitement and we arrived before any security at the next-door prison was out patrolling or doing anything. The day went seemingly great up until we encountered a crew of prisoners being tasked with boarding up the building we were in. We quickly tried to get out but it was too late. They knew we were there and we had two guys on a golf cart, a truck, and a woman walking around all looking for us, At the same time I managed to almost get bit by a black snake. It was smoldering hot 100 degree heat and we had forgotten our water. With us all dehydrated and security knowing we were there we decided to leave and come back later. To cut the story short, we ate at Steak N Shake (it was fantastic for my first time eating there) and came back 3 hours later. We went full ninja mode on return darting from building to building being extra careful getting the last few buildings filmed so we could leave, it was clear we had overstayed our welcome if there ever was one. We leave drenched in sweat, smelling like we were homeless and hadn't bathed in months. Then for the best part. The GPS decided to not work and we made a wrong turn, accidentally ending up at an abandoned mall in Baltimore, even further from home than we already were. When we finally arrived home I can say, I have never appreciated air conditioning and a nice shower more in my life. All in all it was an amazing trip and one of just many.


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