The Martinsburg Mall as of this post is 90% demolished, Remaining is one single hallway going past the mini golf course, dollar store, and more. The big skylight dome over the marble and granite pavilion remains along with a lone smashed up JCPenny sign and some dead trees. The old dollar store somehow still has power and is surrounded by boards with a padlock on it. They seem to be using the store as storage for everything that got left behind from other stores and various junk long forgotten in the storage areas of the malls. The flooring from the food court and stores remains even though the walls are now laying in piles. The original restrooms which were in the service hallway behind some of the food court shops remained with the doors busted open and signs still hanging on the doors reading "these restrooms are closed please use the newly added restrooms in the outer food court plaza". The restrooms referenced had been added only 1 or 2 years before the mall closed and within months before closing a man overdosed on heroin and died in the mens restroom only to be found a day later. It was almost creepy as the old bathrooms seemed frozen in time. They were the only thing left of what was once a bright and vibrant sunlit food court, soap still in the containers, and a sign on a stall read that the stall was out of order. There was even still toilet paper. Everything still smelt like the mall always did, sweet and clean, even though everything was covered in some thick layer of demolition dust and half the mall was ripped into piles everywhere. A distant beeping could be heard coming from the church offices. A soap dispenser beeping signaling it was time to refill it. The JCPenny sign still up outside even though they had closed and the store was pitch black and empty of anything. Rest in Piece Martinsburg Mall. I spent my childhood here and some of my teenage years. Some really amazing memories were made here even after closing, It came and was gone too soon.
